I am looking for something similar to the programs that vUSAF or vRAF already have, external to joinfs ( using FSINN interface AFAIK)
Just a database of planes used by your virtual airline or virtual airforce, storing type, BUNO, and the capability of recording last known possition of every asset. So if I fly to Nellis, park and I disconnect, my plane BUNO is "stored" in that place, and everytime that any other pilot gets into the server, but I am offline, he can see my parked plane. What happens when I choose to fly again that BUNO? Something similar to the "follow" capability: my plane is moved to last stored possition, and then I can start a new flight
We would need some kind of database edition capability too, to restore crashed ones, wrongly placed planes, etc
What do you think about it Peter? Is it possible?
Thank you!
"Offline database"
Re: "Offline database"
Hi Diego,
Ah, that's a nice feature. My initial thoughts are that something like that would be difficult due to the network architecture of JoinFS (no central servers). However, there are perhaps ways of implementing this. Basically using the hub network to store information in a distributed way. That could also lead to other possibilities, like leaving private messages for people or perhaps a bulletin board, or even private boards for groups of pilots. Perhaps that could tie in nicely with the already suggested chat feature. Although those latter ideas may already be served sufficiently by Teamspeak/Discord servers.
So, yes, a nice idea. I shall add it to the 'further consideration' list.
Ah, that's a nice feature. My initial thoughts are that something like that would be difficult due to the network architecture of JoinFS (no central servers). However, there are perhaps ways of implementing this. Basically using the hub network to store information in a distributed way. That could also lead to other possibilities, like leaving private messages for people or perhaps a bulletin board, or even private boards for groups of pilots. Perhaps that could tie in nicely with the already suggested chat feature. Although those latter ideas may already be served sufficiently by Teamspeak/Discord servers.
So, yes, a nice idea. I shall add it to the 'further consideration' list.
Re: "Offline database"
Trying to revive the idea. Could it be done?
Thank you!
Thank you!
Re: "Offline database"
Ha, I actually remember this post. Was it really that long ago!
Reading my reply, I did actually implement the hub data system in order to do the global chat messages in the session window, although I have since removed that global chat feature as I don't think it was being used. However, the persistent hub data mechanism is still in the code so that could be used for storing data such as a last seen location.
The question is should it be globally attached to the hubs or would it be better to make this local to a server? I imagine that you would only be using this with the same group of pilots and so are always joining the same server? That might make it easier to implement.

Reading my reply, I did actually implement the hub data system in order to do the global chat messages in the session window, although I have since removed that global chat feature as I don't think it was being used. However, the persistent hub data mechanism is still in the code so that could be used for storing data such as a last seen location.
The question is should it be globally attached to the hubs or would it be better to make this local to a server? I imagine that you would only be using this with the same group of pilots and so are always joining the same server? That might make it easier to implement.
Re: "Offline database"
I think that better server allocated. That way a group could manage their own assets without interfering with other pilots
Re: "Offline database"
So basically, some kind of asset manager with a database back end? Sounds like a great idea. Could also configure particular variables or datarefs that should be stored along with that user when they are parked. And the database could then be queried by a web server which would be interesting.
I will make a note of this as a feature request. Although bear in mind that there's quite a few basic bugs and things to sort out first.
I will make a note of this as a feature request. Although bear in mind that there's quite a few basic bugs and things to sort out first.
Re: "Offline database"
That's right!!!
I have more ideas related to the concept: manteinance management, payloads, weapons, etc ( we fly military...)
If we can help just let me know
Thank you!
I have more ideas related to the concept: manteinance management, payloads, weapons, etc ( we fly military...)
If we can help just let me know
Thank you!