JoinFS Multiplayer Across Flight Simulators

Choose Version

JoinFS-FS2020 for Microsoft Flight Simulator, Windows
JoinFS-XPLANE for X-Plane, Windows
JoinFS-FSX for FSX, Prepar3D, Windows
JoinFS-SERVER for Hub, Windows
JoinFS-CONSOLE for Hub, X-Plane, Windows, Linux, macOS, Raspberry Pi

JoinFS Source Code


JoinFS Client

Small And Efficient Client

JoinFS is designed to be a thin utility that works between the simulator and the network.

Low-Latency Peer To Peer Topology With Dynamic Rerouting

JoinFS can monitor and detect any connectivity problems and will automatically reroute network data in order to maintain the integrity of the session and consequently bypasses some of the issues with NAT home routers.

JoinFS Peer To Peer Network

Decentralized Public Server Network

In hub mode the client also acts as a public meeting place where the server details are propagated automatically across the network and appear in the public hub list. There is no central server involved.

JoinFS Hub Network

Extra Features

Record, Play and Overdub

JoinFS includes its own flight recorder. This enables you to record your aircraft along with other pilots in the JoinFS network. When you play back a recording the aircraft are also broadcast over the network so that all pilots can see your recording. This allows you to pre-record a lead aircraft which everyone in the session can then formate on. The overdub feature enables you to overlay new flights onto the recording which means you can iteratively build your own unlimited formation.

Clubs and virtual airlines flying with JoinFS

CIX VFR Club Elite PremAir Virtual USNVA
Bradford Flight Crew Fly Vegas OVT
Misfit Squadron MODSim Spanish Navy Aircraft Flotilla
91st Bombardment Group
italiani volanti
Eastern Hops