SIMCOM X Voice application

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SIMCOM X Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

Here we go then!


Download here!

I've created a voice app which I've named SIMCOM X.
More information on the app can be found at

This came about as I could see pilots from other groups fly past, but I had no way to contact them.
I also knew of ATC who were sat twiddling their thumbs with one group, while another group were begging for a controller.

Simcom X is built to run alongside existing voice apps, not replace them.
That said if it works well for your group, there is nothing to stop you solely using SIMCOM X, which is why I added the Group mode feature.

If your group uses Teamspeak or Discord now, you are able to also run Simcom X to connect to the SCX network and then tune to the same frequency as pilots or ATC from other groups should you wish to.

Why would you want to do this?
Solo flying.
Tune to the Unicom 122.800 and see who else joins you.
Make a new friend.
Learn new things.

You see another aircraft in JoinFS and have no way to say hello.
What group are they a part of?
What voice client are the using?
What channel are they in?
Damn there's a password?
Its time to go to bed....

If you are both tuned to a Unicom, you can say hello.

Group flights with ATC.
Have you ever been chatting to your friends in your groups general Teamspeak or Discord channel, but then you have to stop the conversation in order to move to the ATC channel?
Run SIMCOM X in the background and use it to speak to ATC, whilst carrying on your conversation in Teamspeak or Discord.

Have you ever acted as ATC and wished you could say "Contact Departure.... 123.450" or another airport/centre etc? because there's another controller there (maybe not even part of your group).

Just a few reasons to give it a go.
Even if you just leave it running in the background in case a passer by wants to say hello.

Audio based on distance.
The closer you are to another station, the better the Audio quality. Too far away and you won't hear them at all.
Auto Switch frequencies.
When the aircraft radio stack is tuned in FSX/P3D (SimConnect) or XPLANE and FS9 (XPUIPC/FSUIPC), you will automatically move to that frequency in SCX.
Can ALSO be used without autoswitching.
Can be used as standalone with no sim running.
Can be used while existing voice apps are running.
For example chat to your friends on Discord/TS3 whilst communicating with ATC and other pilots on SCX.
Two different modes.
SCX Network and Group Mode.
If using Group mode, give your friends the IP displayed in your client which they can input to connect to you.
If using SCX mode, the client will look for other clients on the same frequency and then connect to them automatically.
SCX mode will also show which ATC is online using Simcom X and what frequency you can contact them on.
Play a sound on Frequency switch.
So you can run the app in the background and know you have switched.
Play a sound on TX or RX.
This might help people to stop talking over each other.
15 second TX Timeout.
This helps those that get the occasional stuck PTT issues.
Able to mute any other client on the same frequency.
Helps to stop the music players.
The icon on the taskbar will light up when TX or RX
Helps you to see if you are transmitting or receiving when the app is minimised.
You may need to show hidden icons or set the icon to always show in your Taskbar.
XPlane/FS9 XPUIPC/FSUIPC support.
Checks for updates on start-up.
Upnp support.

Ports don't need to be opened if your router supports Upnp and it is enabled in your router.
ATC using SIMCOM X Show on the Map.
If you are acting as an ATCO your position will show on the main JoinFS map along with the frequency you are using, so pilots know you are active and how to connect to you.

To come..
Test if your port is open correctly/firewall issues.
Specific ATC client to allow coordination between controllers.

I've posted it here so that people can try it and let me know the bugs.
This is the first version, its BETA, THERE WILL BE BUGS.

How to use it....
P3Dv4 users will need to install the Simconnect version in the XPACK folder.

Thelatest 4.72 .net runtime may also be needed by some people.

1. Run the installer so it's installed (always a good start).
2. OPEN UDP PORT 9988 in your router/firewalls, so clients can connect to each other.
If you're not sure how, tick the Upnp option in Simcom X and check that Upnp is enabled in your router.
3. Click the black headset icon on the desktop to open.
On first run, Windows will ask if you want to add a firewall exception. You do, otherwise others can't connect to you.
4. Once opened hit the config button and select the sounds, network etc that you would like to use.
If you are acting as An ATCO, select the ATC box and you will show on the list in SCX mode.

Once configured and PTT is set click the PWR button on the bottom left.
Green is ON.
Red is OFF.

What it SHOULD DO!
I'd be grateful if people could test and report the issues.

When Join Group Server is selected you should be able to enter an IP into the Text Box and connect to another person who you know is also using Simcom X (The Group mode feature).

If you select the Host Group Server box, you are the host and it will show your IP in the Text Box above.
You can then give this to others so that they can connect to you.
Only one person (the host) in the group needs to have the Host Group Server box selected.
The other users should have the Join Group Server box selected and input the IP of the host to connect.

If SIMCOM X Mode is selected.
When the frequency is changed in the Active Freq box, it will look for and connect to others using the same frequency as you who also have the SIMCOM X box selected.
If the Simcom X box is selected and ATC mode is ticked, you should show in the ATC box on the main screen after a few minutes and the main JoinFS map.

If you are not using the autoswitch feature, you can tune the standby box and click the arrow to make the frequency active.

It should only allow frequencies to be entered correctly.
6 digits with a decimal place.
ie 123.450 not 123.45, 123450 or 24.45

If you do try the autoswitch feature you should no longer be able to press the button from standby to active and you should switch frequencies as they are made active in your flight sim.
Both COM1 and COM2 radios are supported, which ever is your ACTIVE TX box in the sim will be the frequency Simcom X uses.

Callsigns for pilots should be either a registration (ie GABCD or N1234M) or callsign with a trigraph (ie BAW123 OR AAL123) which helps ATC, although there is nothing to stop you using your name (Bob etc).

ATC should set their callsign as the ICAO_POS (KLAX_TWR or ESSA_RDR for example).
As the ATC callsign shows in the ATC box and pilots can see the airport and position active.
If you set Bob, nobody will know where you are controlling.

Let me know how it works for you and if you think its of any use.

I can only fix the issues that I know about.
Last edited by ATC Roo on Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:30 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

I found an issue already.
So pulled it before everybody installed the issue. :)
I'll post the correct version shortly.
Last edited by ATC Roo on Sun Nov 11, 2018 2:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

I've updated the first post.

If you have the time and like the look of the app, please do try it and let me know.

If I don't know of issues I can't fix them.
If I don't know there are no issues I'll keep looking for them.
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by oldpop »

installed program. all looks good. started P3DV4 in MP, then comm program. see pic. can't get the "sim" light to turn green!
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

Thanks pop.

I'll take a look shortly.

I see you've set a Joystick/gamepad button for the ptt.
Does that work ok?
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by oldpop »

I see the "TX" light come on and hear the mic click, bot to voice in or out. Also the mick click i coming through my speakers, I would want the comms via my headset. :D
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

oldpop wrote:I see the "TX" light come on and hear the mic click, bot to voice in or out. Also the mick click i coming through my speakers, I would want the comms via my headset. :D
I've only been able to test with a 2.5mm Jack headset, which is what I have.
Are you using a usb headset?

If you haven't already, try having the headset plugged in before starting the app.
I should be able to add a drop down menu to the config page in order to select sound device otherwise.

Let me get the auto switch back up and running and I'll have a look.
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

Autoswitch should now be fixed!

Switch with FSX/P3D when the autoswitch box is selected.

Download link for the new version is the same.
Run the new installer and it will update the last version.
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by oldpop »

Getting better!Autoswitch works. When I am hosting (MY IP IN IP BOX), in sim(p3dV4), TS3 running, all lights green, freq displaying as in a/c, can hear "clicks"(on speaker) all looks good, but don't see other member on line, nor can he hear me, or I him(tx light ok).
I don't see him in left window. he has my IP in and on same freq.
site will not allow me to att the log files in any format???
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by oldpop »

Last edited by oldpop on Wed Apr 04, 2018 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

Ive just tweaked slightly so there is another update.
Fixes the ATC with no freq showing, which I noticed after your testing yesterday.
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
That'll be the issue!

UDP port 9988 will need to be open for the other users to speak to you.
Else nobody will show on the freq as they can not connect and so will go elsewhere.

If the other person shows on the same freq in the window on the left, then the connection has been made and all is good.
If not then one of you isn't connected, (possible port closed).

Thanks for the bugs by the way, exactly what I was looking for.
Last edited by ATC Roo on Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by Grumpy »


Good morning

Roo, I am very used to using a button on my Flight yoke, very realistic compared to taking a hand off to punch the keyboard.
HOWEVER, I allocate Button0 and Simcomm registers it as continuously live.
Whats the fix for this please?

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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

Ah that's a good one Grumpy.

I spent many hours racking my brains for the joystick ptt as I use the X52 pro, or did do...

What yoke are you using?

Does the app start it live/TX after a restart?
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by oldpop »

We have it working, but had the same problem with a "hot mike" had to choose different button.
The "port" was our problem, open and works!
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by oldpop »

two comments:
1: in a/c like the VRS FA18E with out the standard "radio panel" the "standby" function does not apply. (no biggie)
2: still would like a option to hear via head set instead of speakers.
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

Thanks pop.

I might have just fixed the hot Mic.
Or at least added a check to close it, if it happens.
So one to keep an eye on.

The standby freq will have to stay I'm afraid, as if you're not using auto switch that's how you manually tune.

I'll have to look at setting the sound card.
I can output which card it's using if that's of any help?

Are you using multiple sound cards or a usb headset?
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by neon »

You might want to take a look at this page Its a program much like what you have written but for DCS. You can look at many of his functions and pull what you like since its open source. But it has some really nice features like the ability to add radio distortion ect. Just a suggestion.
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

Nice suggestion Neon.

Radio distortion is on the list along with distance from the other station.
I've also plans for a controller VCCS allowing phone calls to other controllers for coordination.

I'm concentrating on the actual workings of the pilot client at the moment.

Once it's running smoothly I'll start to add the extra features.

The Ultimate goal is a way for people to communicate with others not a part of their usual group.
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

New Version available.

Had a play with the Joystick PTT to try and stop the perm transmit.
Double click the ptt if it happens which should stop it, although I've also added a timeout to the ptt (MAX TX = 10seconds).
The user list now shows who is transmitting by showing them as red.
Added version number in the config form as there are now a number of versions floating about.
Added which sound card is being used on startup.

Download link for the new version is the same.
Run the new installer and it will update to the last version.
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Re: SIMCOMX Voice application

Post by ATC Roo »

Grumpy wrote:Image

Good morning

Roo, I am very used to using a button on my Flight yoke, very realistic compared to taking a hand off to punch the keyboard.
HOWEVER, I allocate Button0 and Simcomm registers it as continuously live.
Whats the fix for this please?

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Update to this..

I managed to replicate what you described above.
It only happened when SIMCOM X was first run and no previous ptt button had been set.

Does that sound like what happened to you?

If so it should be an easy fix which I'll add next time.

Before then...
Simply closing and restarting the app after the ptt has been set. Should correct it.
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