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Braking issue

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:36 pm
by Tom J

We are developing a 747-800 Shared cockpit for P3D, and we are using JOINFS + another program, however when the pilot uses his toe brakes, the aircraft seems to shoot forwards and backwards. We don't think it's an issue on our side, but more a JOINFS issue. Hope this get's a response, and hope there will be a way to fix it.

Here is the video of it if you need it:

Thanks for having a look at this,
Tom Janssen

Re: Braking issue

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:58 pm
by Peter
Are you using JoinFS 3.x.x? If so, you could try editing the variables for that model, and modify the "BRAKE LEFT POSITION" and "BRAKE RIGHT POSITION" lines to see if you can get it working. I suspect that the brakes are not being synchronized correctly so the position is getting a conflict between slowing on one machine but on the other the brakes are not pressed in the simulator which is causing the jerking.


Re: Braking issue

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:57 pm
by Godehardt
this is my fault. I did not test that enough.

The problem occurs if you disable the brakes.... When you then give it a full left or right pedal input and full brake the aircraft starts bugging extremely. If you enable the brake sync the problem disappears.

Could you (Peter) try to look again on the brake sync? I've tested it again with enabled brakes and firstly it appears on the bottom left: "DIFFERENTIAL BRAKES" and after a few seconds "BRAKES". The "BRAKES" message will never disappear. Also in default P3D v5 planes the message never disappears.
So that's the main problem. It was too easy to just disable the brakes :lol: .


Re: Braking issue

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 9:57 am
by Godehardt
If it is not possible to fix it, I would start to sync it with my PMDG Shared Cockpit program.
