Search found 10 matches

by JEA
Wed Jul 20, 2022 10:47 pm
Forum: Queries
Topic: Session chat
Replies: 0
Views: 27600

Session chat

Not having used session chat before, circumstances have changed and session chat is now used by us. Is there a setting that gives an audible 'bong' or a pop up box, to inform you that someone is chatting to you. If not, is it possible to do.
Tony (JEA)
by JEA
Wed Mar 30, 2022 11:24 am
Forum: Queries
Topic: Ai Traffic, JoinFS and my computer
Replies: 0
Views: 18623

Ai Traffic, JoinFS and my computer

Hi Peter... Having a strange occurance with AI traffic. Our group use AIG ai traffic. We are all using JoinFS 3.2.8. I am on Windows 11, others are on Windows 10. When I open a hub, I see my ai traffic in FS Tramp. Before joining my hub, others are seeing ai traffic in their FS Tramp. However, if th...
by JEA
Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:29 am
Forum: Discussion
Topic: JFS & MSFS2020
Replies: 70
Views: 61128

Re: JFS & MSFS2020

Hi again, Tried out the latest test version tonight, three of us....initially superb. All MSFS aircraft visable, and smooth as silk. Well, at least two of us were (UK). One of my colleague's lives in Lanzarote, and his internet dropped out many times. We were connected via Global. His aircraft was d...
by JEA
Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:49 am
Forum: Discussion
Topic: JFS & MSFS2020
Replies: 70
Views: 61128

Re: JFS & MSFS2020

Thanks Peter, for making a test version available. Last night I used the test version with a friend, and we saw each other perfectly. Strange thing, I was using test, and he was using the normal version.!! We were both using MSFS 2020. Then I gave him the link to the test version, which he installed...
by JEA
Fri May 25, 2018 1:44 pm
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Simconnect exception: 20
Replies: 2
Views: 3610

Re: Simconnect exception: 20

Could we have this in laymans terms please. And more to the point, how do we cure it !!!! :D
by JEA
Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:47 pm
Forum: Queries
Topic: Possible port problem !!
Replies: 1
Views: 2652

Possible port problem !!

Hi Peter, We have been using JoinFs for ages now with no problems at all. However, due to circumstances, certain aspects have changed. I have built a new computer, and also my residency chances monthly. One of my group has moved to Lanzarote from the UK, and now runs through a third party server. I ...
by JEA
Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:49 am
Forum: Bugs
Topic: ai aircraft everywhere...
Replies: 4
Views: 4276

Re: ai aircraft everywhere...

Hi Peter, Thank you again for your quick response, most appreciated. You have solved the problem (greeted with a loud cheer last night from my flying companions). After checking my broadcast settings, which were clear, I looked at the Objects page, and sure enough, half a dozen items in there were t...
by JEA
Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:04 am
Forum: Bugs
Topic: ai aircraft everywhere...
Replies: 4
Views: 4276

ai aircraft everywhere...

Hi Peter, Thanks for your continued progress with this programme. I have searched for this answer but have drawn a blank. Every time I run a session, or when I join another session, I get moaned at because the users say they are swamped with Cessna's etc. I have my AI buttons at zero, and do not sca...
by JEA
Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:25 pm
Forum: Queries
Topic: Playback
Replies: 3
Views: 3855

Re: Playback

Hello Peter... Thank you very much for the quick response to my question. The news is good....I can now see the recording. However, when the aircraft appears in front of me (on the end of the runway) it has wheels up, which then lower. Would this be because at the end of the trial recording, the air...
by JEA
Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:51 am
Forum: Queries
Topic: Playback
Replies: 3
Views: 3855


Hi Peter, Firstly, I would just like to say a big thank you for producing this software. Absolutely excellent. I have one small query, which the answer to is probably staring me in the face...... How do I view the recordings I have made. I can record, I can save, I can press play, but I get nothing ...