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Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:57 pm
by kc10b747fe
Hi, I stumbled across JoinFS while researching another FSX problem :) and would like to say you've done a helluva job. This is exactly what I think most in the community want, a simple but effective way to fly online with friends and strangers. I'd like to make a suggestion or request which is to add in voice support. I know there are those that use TeamSpeak and other 3rd party utilities for communications, but I for one liked the simplicity that was out of the box with FSX multiplayer being able to transmit and receive using the aircraft radios without having to run another program outside of FSX. So if someone is talking on a certain frequency (say on guard 121.5) everyone on that freq would be able to hear or transmit. IMHO this adds a true level of realism and immersion. Once again thank-you for your hard work and dedication to this project. Truly an amazing piece of software.

Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:19 pm
by Peter

thanks for posting and for your comments.

I think this suggestion has been made before. Although I thought it unnecessary at first, because there are several programs that people already use for voice, perhaps it would be useful to implement it. For example, shared cockpit could use louder clearer voices than the radio coms and those kind of little extra touches. It would also be possible to hear com1 and com2, which is quite difficult to do with TS3 I think. There are probably other advantages as well, so it's something I will add to the consideration list.


Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:14 pm
by ATC Roo
Voice is a good thing IMO.

For example I like to control, so a pilot being able to switch between controllers by using the radio stack adds realism.
Also Pilots are able talk to each other and say Hi

At the moment each group has their own voice system meaning that each time you join a different node you have to join a different voice server.

I personally like the way Roger Wilco (now very old) Works.
Tune to a frequency and join a channel.
If no channel already exists then it's created and others can also join it if on the same frequency.

I believe VATSIM and the default FSX voice is based on Roger Wilco.
Maybe something could be added to JoinFS to connect to a Roger Wilco Base Station?
Or even better a system with no Base Station needed maybe the first client hosts the channel?

This would mean no hunting for different communities voice server settings but said communities could also run thier voice systems alongside for chat as they do now.

Problems that most communities have had are Trolls joining, playing music and generally causing issues for those that want to enjoy a flight together.

So if voice is implemented, something showing who is talking and the ability to mute that person would be a good idea.

I'm a believer of simply muting or hiding Trolls.
That way they have no idea they have been hidden or muted and can carry on doing what they were doing without moving on and finding another community to annoy.
If you kick or stop them joining they just try their best to rejoin and you have to kick them again.

Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:37 am
by Tisor
Peter wrote:Hi,

thanks for posting and for your comments.

I think this suggestion has been made before. Although I thought it unnecessary at first, because there are several programs that people already use for voice, perhaps it would be useful to implement it. For example, shared cockpit could use louder clearer voices than the radio coms and those kind of little extra touches. It would also be possible to hear com1 and com2, which is quite difficult to do with TS3 I think. There are probably other advantages as well, so it's something I will add to the consideration list.

I good approach I think would be a TS3 plugin linked to JoinFS.

In Arma 3 exists a Mod called TaskForceRadio. With a plugin, it creates a realistic radio for Arma 3 using TS3.

Check this repo: ... ma-3-radio

Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:58 am
by JackRiordan
There used to be a very nice plugin for Teamspeak that, when the active com frequency changed in FSX, it would move you to the Teamspeak channel labeled with that frequency. I think it was called SimCom or something. As far as I know it's never been updated, so it's no longer compatible with the current version.

:idea: Maybe something like this, that could potentially link Hubs together, could be included in any ideas for a chat addition to joinFS.

Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:42 pm

In our FS group we use TSComset in combination with TeamSpeak2.


Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:21 pm
by Blue
IMHO, working plane radios would be ideal for realistic flights. I believe it used to work in an earlier version of JoinFS but the last time I checked in version 1.1.11 it was not working.


Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:42 pm
by Peter
Hi Blue,

Do you mean you could use voice in an earlier version of JoinFS? It's never been supported within the app.


Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:46 pm
by RCFlyer
There is also BFSGSimCom64. It is actively being updated/managed and works with TS3. Information can be obtained here: ... pic=3895.0


Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:55 pm
by ATC Roo
That looks a good plugin. ;)

Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 7:50 pm
by Peter
I gave the above BFSGSimCom a quick try recently and can confirm it worked well. After configuring make sure you start in your specified default room for it to work.


Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:04 pm
by RCFlyer

I have installed this software, but, don't completely understand how to set it up in TS. I assume you create, within in TS, a home channel, then create sub-channels with radio frequencies. Something like this:

135.725 - ATIS
124.400 - Tower
121.600 - Ground
122.800 - UNICOM

Or something like that? I have gotten the software installed and showing up in TS, showing the current radio frequencies set in Com1 and Com2, both primary and standby. I have looked online and can't for the life of me find any setup details. If this software works well, it could really add to the experience.


Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:19 pm
by Peter
There is a configuration window under Plugins, I think. You need to select Automove On COM retune. Select the parent room. Select Move To Untuned Channel, and again select the parent room in the bottom list. That should be it. Manually move to the parent room and you are good to go. Just change the FSX frequency.


Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:31 pm
by RCFlyer
Thanks Peter. I know this isn't your software, so, I really appreciate your help.



Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:42 pm
by Peter
No worries. It was actually someone at CIX VFR Club who discovered the right steps to follow, so thank them if anyone :)


Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:46 pm
by Wood
We use our own developed TS3 radio plugin that ties into P3D/FSX. Members do not have to be in the same channel to communicate to each other they simply need to be on the same radio frequency.
They only downfall to this is it utilizes TS3 server and client so you need to be on TS3. And we all know whether your a military wing or a virtual airline or simply just have a community to rec fly each community has there our voice server. Saying that we would like to be able to develop our plugin to the stage so that can tie in multiple TS3 servers so the plugin can be utilized across multiple servers.

At this time our plugin has been updated for our wing Client 64-bit 3.1.4 or Client 32-bit 3.1.4


Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:24 pm
by ATC Roo
Wood wrote: Saying that we would like to be able to develop our plugin to the stage so that can tie in multiple TS3 servers so the plugin can be utilized across multiple servers.

At this time our plugin has been updated for our wing Client 64-bit 3.1.4 or Client 32-bit 3.1.4

Now that is a good idea.

Communities hosting their own ts3 server as they do now.
But being able to contact pilots/ATC on another server via a whisper.

That means you could be general chatting to your group, whilst still in whisper contact (if you chose too) with other JoinFS users.

I did look into cross server talk.
It's not possible on Discord and it's not possible to auto switch servers with Teamspeak, but I'm not sure if you can whisper across servers.

Something to look at.

Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:58 pm
by ATC Roo
A quick Google and it seems you can whisper in Teamspeak across multiple tabs.

So if you have a tab for Group1 and Group2 you can listen to both and transmit on one at a time.
You would need to setup some shortcut keys to make the tab/server you want to talk on active.

Not an ideal solution as you would never know which server the other is using without asking them first.
And you can't ask them as you don't know what server they are on.

I think the ideal voice solution is something that can act like Roger Wilco.

One server.
JoinFS with the ability to act like a roger wilco client.

You tune a freq in your stack.
Every freq = a voice address (123.450 = http://voices
If the channel already exists you connect to it.
If it doesn't you create it and others connect to it if they tune the same frequency.

I have a Wilco server I can put online.

If somebody has the Roger Wilco client code that Peter can add to JoinFS that would work.

VATSIM use that method although the have edited their RW server to only allow Vatsim voice clients.

The advantage of this is that you don't need to find each groups voice address or install additional voice clients as it's already in the JOINFS client.

You can also continue to use the voice you do now and have the extra voice from JoinFS.

Another way I can think of is as everybody has posted above (a channel switch plugin), which would require everybody connecting to the same server manually and using a Plugin to switch.

Both methods require a server/servers accessible to all.

Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:00 pm
by Wood
Hi Roo

Thanks for the reply.
A quick Google and it seems you can whisper in Teamspeak across multiple tabs.

So if you have a tab for Group1 and Group2 you can listen to both and transmit on one at a time.
You would need to setup some shortcut keys to make the tab/server you want to talk on active.

Not an ideal solution as you would never know which server the other is using without asking them first.
And you can't ask them as you don't know what server they are on.
Yes your absolutely correct... we are aware of that as we have tested with co-op missions we have done with various groups. The problem with the multiple tabs is that the tab has to be the active tab and once your there the other servers your connected to do not work until re selected. That's the next step to our plugin is to allow broadcast and listen on Teamspeak across multiple tabs.


Re: Multiplayer Voice

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:27 pm
by JackRiordan
ATC Roo,

I've always liked using SimCom, but the last version I found that you had available was When I download and try to install, it says it is win32 in red and I cannot install it.