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Re: JoinFS - First Use report from the FSX Bluebirds

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:24 pm
by Bluebird1
I sure hope that Peter doesn't get the wrong impression from all this info exchange about connecting a steam session to a hosted FSX Boxed session, because it has absolutely nothing to do with JoinFS, and in no way is it a slam against JFS....
JoinFS manages inter-connectivity of the two sims quite simply and quite efficiently without either party having to go into the awkward "old Fashioned" Multiplayer option of both sims, and Peter has done some very wonderful things here.

This is only an attempt to connect together so that jitter-free flight is possible in very close proximity to another aircraft in formation on a temporary basis, and it is the only place in the internet where I have found someone that actually has mastered it.

I have only three issues with JoinFS - The seemingly persistent jitter issue - even in V 1.1.13, the "one wing down" syndrome ( no - that's not a new and wonderful Chinese Buffet food selection) and the lack of ability to "camera" all of the formation aircraft in a close formation from a position on the aerodrome in a auto-pan mode. As soon as the (especially) Jitters are cleared up, I will be using JoinFS pronto and permanently- I love it!.

Re: JoinFS - First Use report from the FSX Bluebirds

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:00 pm
by ATC Roo
the lack of ability to "camera" all of the formation aircraft in a close formation from a position on the aerodrome in a auto-pan mode.
Can that be done in multiplayer?

If it can then can it not be done in single player?

Just to add my 2pence worth...
Box can not connect to Steam and vice versa, direct connect or otherwise.
I tried lots of things before JFS was created.
Although I did think Steam direct connect did work, I'm sure I've done it?

You can however connect JFS to a multiplayer server and broadcast any player into the JoinFS network that connects via steam and they will see any player that connects via JOINFS.
Handy to connect a box server and a steam or p3d server.

Although it causes issues if auto broadcast is enabled in more than one jfs client.
Manually broadcasting on both will work, if that's of any help.

Re: JoinFS - First Use report from the FSX Bluebirds

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:40 pm
by Bluebird1
ATC Roo wrote:Can that be done in multiplayer?

If it can then can it not be done in single player?
We have been using FSRecorder. Any session that is recorded - multiplayer or free flight - can be viewed from the control tower with autopan. If it is a formation, during the playback serup, you can select any aircraft within the formation and tower view will track that aircraft in the formation. If the selected aircraft strays far away from the formation, then you will only be able to see that aircraft. BUT - hot keys can be assigned to jump to another aircraft within the formation, in which case the towerview now follows that selected aircraft.

Although it would be preferable to use only one software (JoinFS) to do this, I have found that during an JoinFSsession, record with FSRecorder with record ai traffic enabled, it will do exactly as described above. Of course any other pilot that wants to watch the recorded session will have to install FSRecorder so that he can watch it.

As far as Steam connecting to Boxed in a DIRECT IP HOSTED SESSION, is concerned, there is one group (ALA Virtual) aparently doing exactly that, and Tisor is in the process of telling me how.

Re: JoinFS - First Use report from the FSX Bluebirds

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:49 am
by ATC Roo
Ah, the camera stuff all sounds very complicated and beyond me.

The way I read the thread says that Tisor is direct connecting Steam - Steam and not Boxed - Steam.

I may have missed something but that is possible.

Re: JoinFS - First Use report from the FSX Bluebirds

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:13 pm
by Dan-TXHills
This might be helpful - ...

See the ReadMe pdf - simple to install and includes a backup of the original camera.cfg file (you will need to back up your current one if you have made other changes). This lets you select any plane to view and will put you (usually) just behind the aircraft you select. You can pan, tilt and zoom using the usual keys that you use for this function with other camera views. (Presuming the default FSX key settings) if you push the 'A' key you will cycle through all aircraft (except yours) that are on line at that time. Also works with FSRecorder on playback so no need to try to capture the various views live - just play back the recording and then use this to change views.
