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Auto start session

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:48 am
by vgbaron
Hi Peter -

Want to set up a private hub for a few friends. As I reqad the docs, it seems like the hub setup would work but the ip address would be public. Is there a way to start FSJoin on boot and have it create a session using a dedicated IP address? The few people that we fly with would know the domain and could just fire up FSJoin and connect.

Have friends in Australia, California & South Carolina and fly FSX and P3D 3.4 and 4.0. We were using FSHost (didn't know about FSJoin!) but it's not compat with P3D4.



Re: Auto start session

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:22 am
by Peter
Hi Vic,

Sure. With Windows there are a few ways to start applications on boot. One of the easiest is to place a shortcut to JoinFS (copy the one from the desktop) into the folder Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup. Any shortcuts you place in there will automatically start on boot.

You just need to edit the shortcut and add your options to the target command line. The available options for JoinFS can be found in the manual. I would suggest -tray which runs it in the system tray. You could also specify the port, and you'll need to use -create to start a session. That should do it.

You'll need a static external IP address so that others know how to connect. They can add your address to their bookmarks in JoinFS.

If you don't have a static IP, I think there is a post on these forums about a website that allows you to do this.

You also need to configure port forwarding on your router for the port that you have configured in JoinFS.

Hope that helps, and thanks for trying JoinFS.


Re: Auto start session

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:03 pm
by vgbaron
Hi Peter -

Thanx for the quick response. I've been reading the PDF file on your site, I'll locate the manual. I figured there had to be some command line params somewhere. Seems pretty straightforward.

Thanx for the guidance!
