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HELP: User # display.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 3:30 pm
by Frank
When starting JoinFS, before clicking on anything, the number of users displayed at the bottom of the window (Bottom - 3rd column from the right) shows 29. This varies.

Re: HELP: User # display.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 4:21 pm
by Peter
Hi Frank,

Yes, I've now changed this to show all of the public users in total. So that's every user in the global session plus the totals from all of the other online hubs. If you need your current session total, just open the Session view and it shows the total in the window title.


Re: HELP: User # display.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 4:44 pm
by Frank
Hi Peter

Thank you for the quick reply.

I sure wish there was a way to make that readout selectable. Indicate current session by choice. I really have no interest in Public sessions .

Maybe that can be a future update?

Anyway, thanks for all the work you do. JoinFS is a super program.


Re: HELP: User # display.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 5:37 pm
by Frank

Thank you so much for the change to the readout. A much more elegant solution than I had suggested. :-)

Why this is important to me is there are 5 of us old timers who fly together once a week. Been doing it for 12 years now. Sometimes someone is not showing up on FSTramp and I was always able to confirm they were in fact on the network with just a quick glance at the readout. Cut the troubleshooting process by half.

When you made the original change, it was much more cumbersome to to do the verification. No more quick glances at the readout.

Things have returned to "normal" again with that simple change you made. You can be sure I will be pointing that out to the guys this week.

Again, thank you so much.
