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Mixture problems joinfs and P3d-V4

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 10:03 pm
by Horenh
Whe are a club of virtual pilots and using joinfs on our flying evenings.
But with P3d-V3.4 our menbers have sometime the same problems at the same time.
very specific the mixture knob is completely cooked so that the engines stops.
This can be prevented with a quick responce, but how is this possible and
what can we do about it.

with greatings
Henny horenberg

Re: Mixture problems joinfs and P3d-V4

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 1:59 pm
by spokes2112
It has to do with Carenado/Alabeo aircraft and their anti-theft coding.
Just substitute all other players that are flying Carenados into some other brand.

Re: Mixture problems joinfs and P3d-V4

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:50 am
by Horenh
So Caronade change there code but the big question is will there be a change for joinfs to resolve this issue.
I hope so because there are many Carenado users.

Re: Mixture problems joinfs and P3d-V4

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 3:02 pm
by spokes2112
During testing it was found that the anti-theft commands from the Carenado aircraft are happening "locally" on your own sim. They come from the aircraft that are being displayed in your sim.

1) You are flying the PC-12, everyone else in the session is flying the PC-12. Nothing Happens.
2) You are flying the PC-12, another pilot comes into the session in a DO228, you own the DO228 and it shows up in your sim for the other player. The mixture cut happens! Why? It is because you are not flying the DO228. The panel system does not load up correctly (fast enough) in the D0228, therefore the anti-theft system kicks in transmitting the anti-theft code to cut the mixture - in your own sim!

This behavior does not occur in FSX because the panel system for AI/Multiplayer aircraft runs at the same priority as the aircraft you are flying in.
In P3D this has all changed, LM reduced the the threading priority for AI/Multiplayer panel systems so one can have a lot more AI in the sim without taking a huge toll on sim performance.

Will LM fix this? IMHO no.. Never
Will Carenado fix this? IMHO probably not. It wouldn't be hard at all* for them to do it for future models but going back and redoing all past releases will probably never happen. After all, with all the bugs corrected by fellow sim members, on their own time, then submitting the fixes to Carenado results in... Nothing. They do nothing about it.

* Not hard at all? - All they have to do is introduce 1, yes 1! variable into their anti-theft code - (A:IS USER SIM, boolean) All the problems would then be over.. Good luck in seeing that.

The bad commands are not being transmitted through JoinFS.