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JoinFS and FSX@War

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:18 pm
by edakridge
According to Cougar when running FSX@War all players should disable Broadcast from FSX@War objects. See: But, for other players to see Tacpack weapons VRS Tacpack needs to be broadcast in Airplanes. With this checked on in settings, I can't disable Broadcast from several FSX@War objects.

Re: JoinFS and FSX@War

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 11:38 pm
by edakridge
We have tried and tried, but damage to FSX@War objects is just not transferring between players. It doesn't seem to matter how we set up, No one broadcasting, one Broadcasting, or both Broadcasting. Damage to objects was transferring between player with version 1.1.6, but does not with 1.1.10.

Re: JoinFS and FSX@War

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:28 am
by Peter
Damage has never been sent over the network in JoinFS. It's still something that needs to be implemented. Did it appear to work in 1.1.6 because you had the broadcast option enabled?


Re: JoinFS and FSX@War

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:37 am
by Cougar FFW04

Recommandation is :
- Run FSXatWar on all computers.
- Check that nobody broadcast FSXatWar SimObjects
- TacPack AI weapons MUST be broadcasted
Please note that recommandation do NOT mean that it works properly until we have properly tested.
edakridge wrote:But, for other players to see Tacpack weapons VRS Tacpack needs to be broadcast in Airplanes. With this checked on in settings, I can't disable Broadcast from several FSX@War objects.
I do not understand what do you mean here...
Can you explain.

Re: JoinFS and FSX@War

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:05 am
by edakridge
With Auto Broadcast VRS Tacpack checked (Enabled) in the settings there are several FSX@War objects in that cannot be unchecked.

Re: JoinFS and FSX@War

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 3:43 pm
by Cougar FFW04

Will check as soon as as can sit in front FS.
@Peter : explanation about that ?

Re: JoinFS and FSX@War

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 3:52 pm
by Peter
The option to broadcast all VRS objects basically includes all models that have the prefix "FSXatWar". So, are we saying that from now on, those shouldn't be automatically broadcast with the 'VRS' option? That's an easy enough change to make.


Re: JoinFS and FSX@War

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 4:45 pm
by edakridge
VRS Tacpack and FSX@War simobjects are like apples and oranges. Both have a purpose in the process, but are different.

Re: JoinFS and FSX@War

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:29 am
by Chris_P
Peter hi and thank you for the help with this.
Just to clarify that we're talking about two different programs - stand alone addons here :

1. VRS Tacpack : a complete weapon system, ie, valistics of weapons, electronic weapon system,
damage to targets, etc (all SimObjects used are of the "Airplane" category for MP purposes)

2. FSX@War : A complete set of (static) targets with detailed destruction if a weapon declared in FSX@War (VRS Tacpack or other)
impacts some target (all SimObjects of the "SimpleObjects" category here), with substitution of it's operational state (operational,
to damaged, to destroyed - 1 different simple object exists for each state) and application of effects (different than the VRS Tacpack ones) .

Now, FSX@War program uses an API to prevent destruction of FSX@War simple target objects by Tacpack, so that can apply the damage
that FSX@War program calculates for this (depending the weapon in use, target's strength and impact distance).

So VRS objects are different from FSX@War objects (and prefixes). For what it worths.
Cougar is certainly the specialist of clarifying things here.

Re: JoinFS and FSX@War

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:24 am
by Peter
Hi Chris, I appreciate that. It's a matter of whether they can all be handled in the same way, or whether different objects need to be treated differently.


Re: JoinFS and FSX@War

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:47 am
by Cougar FFW04
Hi Peter,
Peter wrote:The option to broadcast all VRS objects basically includes all models that have the prefix "FSXatWar". So, are we saying that from now on, those shouldn't be automatically broadcast with the 'VRS' option? That's an easy enough change to make.
I think you must disable this option. Otherwise, because broadcasting VRS weapons is mandatory, we have no control on FSXatWar equipment if they are also broadcasted automatically with VRS things.
