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"Ignore function" and IVAO

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:33 pm
by Toaster
First of all,

thank you for this great program, it solves so many issues that my friends and I had with FS multiplayer flying.

Now to my problem:
when flying on IVAO, my friends are displayed double in my FS.
Displayed are IVAO MTL aircraft (injected via IVAP) and FSX Multiplayer aircraft (injected via joinFS).

To "kill" the MTL aircraft, I select the IVAO MTL aircraft of my friend via JoinFS > aircraft and check the "Ignore" box.

Problem: the injected MTL aircraft now disappears (as I want it to do so) but re-appears again after a second or so, just to disappear again. It's basically "flickering" on/off in a one second intervall.

As I can not tell IVAP to supress certain callsigns, is there away to improve the supression of MTL aircraft by joinFS?

Best Regards,


Re: "Ignore function" and IVAO

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:46 pm
by Peter
Hi Lennart,

Yes, you're doing the correct thing by ticking 'ignore' for that aircraft, however I have yet to get the object to be properly removed as the IVAO client makes it reappear. It's currently on the todo list so keep an eye on the new versions and hopefully I'll have it sorted out soon.


Re: "Ignore function" and IVAO

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:48 pm
by Toaster
Hi Peter,

thank you for the quick answer.

That would be so great!

Re: "Ignore function" and IVAO

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 1:31 pm
by Nobel
Hello Peter,

Are there any news on this matter? Just tried it with the latest version (1.2.5) but it seems that MTLs are unfortunately still not ignorable. They still reappear after a few seconds to disappear again and so on and so forth.

That function would be really awesome and would make annoying improvisations (temporarily disabled MTLs or attempts with invisible MTLs) finally superfluous :). Especially at formation flights, where the flight/formation wants to see the own flight member only once (through joinFS) and the surrounding traffic as MTLs through IVAP.

Tobias (nickname Nobel)

Re: "Ignore function" and IVAO

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:27 pm
by Peter
Hi Tobias,

I'll take a proper look into it in October, when development starts up again. I agree that it's quite an important thing to fix. Being able to fly on VATSIM/IVAO while at the same time benefiting from everything that JoinFS brings to networking is a very cool feature.


Re: "Ignore function" and IVAO

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:16 am
by Wood

Our wing constantly fly's on IVAO and our JoinFS server. What we have done is actually go to the MTL folder and search for the aircraft or the aircraft that is substituted and remove it from the MTL folder. Example: we are flying the VRS F/A18E super bug and the T-45. We would simply remove the F18 and the T-45 folder from the MTL. No more issues on seeing ghost aircraft hovering. Got to remember that if you already have the aircraft in your inventory then you will see the that aircraft so there is no point in having an aircraft substitute anything in your inventory.

Hope this helps
