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Re: 1.1.2 TCP Port Space Failure

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 11:14 am
by ATC Roo
Hi Bob,

I listed my setup to show that I've not had the same problem using different types of setups with JoinFS.

You both mention VNC services and Chrome.

Do all Internet services stop or is it just those?

Can another PC on your network still browse the internet when this happens?
If so that eliminates the router.
Do you get the same problem hosting JoinFS on another PC?
If not then that points to the laptop.

At a total guess I too think that JoinFS is doing something which causes your Internet issues.

Something like in the post below?

As it's not happening to others hosting hubs it's a case of finding why your both different.

Re: 1.1.2 TCP Port Space Failure

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:44 pm
by BG2518-Bob
Hi again ATC Roo

I understand why you listed your setup.

As I said, your setup is NOT the same thing at all and NOT doing what I and TWO others (Jos and his friend) at least are doing and failing at.

As far as "internet services" are concerned.....

Chrome stops functioning (and frankly that's enough to call time on the PC use i.e. a re-boot is required)

VNC and/or Teamviwer also fail to make connections.

Other services - well, I can think of nothing more I need or want to test because, as I say, no Chrome or Teamviewer kills my use of the PC.

Window reports an error as per the subject of this thread TCP Port Space Failure that co-insides with the issues.

I hope this is really clear now? I keep trying to explain - lol.

Yes, all other network PC's are fine when this occurs to the server PC.

NOT a router issue.

I don't host from any other PC on my network but WILL try that IF the current testing (running JoinFS and P3D at the same time) fails.

Any other network PC will not suit my setup at they are fully active with user(s).

The PC I have chosen is remote from me and has NO user (generally). Hence my NEED for Teamviewer OR VNC.

The server I use is NOT a laptop (Jos's computer is the laptop). I use a PC.

Your idea of it being a DNS cache issue is probably wrong (but thanks anyway) as the system error message (mentioned above and in the thread title) is clearly identifying the problem.

Others who are "hosting hubs" do not appear to be doing what I and Jos and his friend are doing i.e. trying to run JoinFS as a stand alone server with remote access software running also.

THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE - we know what that is and it is a case of finding out why under OUR circumstances (not others) that we have this issue.

As mentioned, Peter has had a FANTASTIC idea which we are testing right know and if you can give us a couple of days to see IF this works then this issue may be resolved.

ALWAYS THOUGH - Thanks ATC Roo for your kind time and thought process to get to an answer.




Re: 1.1.2 TCP Port Space Failure

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:39 am
by BG2518-Bob

40 Hours in and all still working - looking good.

We have a group flight tonight and that will be a further test of the server.



Re: 1.1.2 TCP Port Space Failure

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:42 am
Hi Bob, Peter,

Here also the laptop is still running. Also my FSX is active. So far so good.
This afternoon there will be a session on JoinFS and I will remote check the status of this session via Teamviewer.

Will keep you informed.


Re: 1.1.2 TCP Port Space Failure

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:53 am
by BG2518-Bob
Peter, Jos,

Thumbs UP still.

After a group flight last evening ALL OK.

This has been the longest trouble free use :)

Still would like a few more days to be sure, to be sure - that's the Irish in me there !

Will continue to report.



Re: 1.1.2 TCP Port Space Failure

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:27 am
by Peter
Thanks for the update. Looking positive at the moment. The next version will no longer continually try to connect. It will do just three attempts and after that you have to manually connect if you run the simulator at a later time.

Thanks for persisting with it and identifying a problem. Good teamwork.


Re: 1.1.2 TCP Port Space Failure

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:36 pm
by BG2518-Bob
Peter Jos et al,

Server PC still running fine with JoinFS v1.1.6 (Test) and P3D v3.4 HF3 and VNC (I assume TV would be fine too).

Consistent use for nigh on 1 week now.

Thank you Peter for not giving up on this which has turned out to be a simple thing which we all may have a "doh" moment to look back on :D

However, I believe this now ADDs funtionality to you FANTASTIC app and I'm looking forward to testing the update v1.1.7 without having to have P3D running.

Perhaps a simple "switch" on the program window for Attended (Client) mode or Un-Attended (Server) mode use.

Subject to the switch the app polls for a sim (with Attended (Client) mode being the default).

Then only folk like me need to bother with the switch?

However you do it will be very gratefully appreciated.


Re: 1.1.2 TCP Port Space Failure

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:42 pm
by Peter
Good news, Bob. Should all be sorted in 1.1.7.
